Every time we think of you, we thank God for you. Day and night you’re in our prayers as we call to mind your work of faith, your labor of love, and your patience of hope in following our Master, Jesus Christ, before God our Father. It is clear to us, friends, that God not only loves you very much but also has put his hand on you for something special. When the Message we preached came to you, it wasn’t just words. Something happened in you. The Holy Spirit put steel in your convictions. You paid careful attention to the way we lived among you, and determined to live that way yourselves. In imitating us, you imitated the Master. Although great trouble accompanied the Word, you were able to take great joy from the Holy Spirit!—taking the trouble with the joy, the joy with the trouble.
When God created SOS Enrichment Inc he imparted the vision of Next Level:
1) Spiritually
2) Physically
3) Professionally
Then came the formation of the Prayer Network.
And in the natural it may seem that the Next Level list was not being fulfilled. But many of our prayer requests align to these base categories, and God has answered. As people are:
– excepting salvation and growing in Gods grace
– receiving healing
– being promoted are moving into new territories
All to the GLORY OF GOD!
November marks the middle of the last quarter of the year. For us we celebrate two-fold, as in Thanksgiving and SOS (help) Open House.
Open House affords the SOS Prayer Network Call Leaders and Special Event Coordinators to listen and learn more about faith based ministries, non-profits or businesses.
Theme: We’re Saying SOO (Support Our Own)!
Support our own as in the people of God.
Some have heard me say, ‘Jesus was a Carpenter and more.’ Theology at Work comments that many of Jesus parables take place at construction sites, which explains why he became known as the Master Builder. And in every occasion he was seeking out those who were lost.
The scripture states, ‘It is clear to us, friends, that God not only loves you very much but also has put his hand on you for something special.’
Did you read that? People of God are loved and created to be something special. We’re equipped to corporately make a world-wide impact for God.
November is known to be the month of remembrance. This year we THANK GOD FOR YOU BEING SOMETHING SPECIAL!