In Words, In Giving, In Deeds
Corinthians 9:12, 13-15
Galations 6:10
Almighty God, Father of all mercies, we, Your unworthy servants give You humble thanks for all Your goodness and loving-kindness towards us. Jehovah we praise You! We adore You! We magnify Your name! You are our great I am, everything we need!

We come before Your throne with boldness, joy, and confidence, as we pray for missionaries and church planters laboring to bring the gospel to unreached and resistant areas, grant them encouragement and fruit. Lord, we thank You for blessing us with people to serve Your kingdom.

Thank You for blessing Your servants with gifts too wonderful for words! May the gospel be clear not only through us, but also to us. Keep our hearts alive to Your great affection and mercies. Thank You for equipping us to serve!

Caring is sharing, we openly say to Your servants, “thank you” for caring enough to share God’s Word and God’s love, exemplifying the God-kind of service we need, through their fervent prayers, spiritual gifts, and many other acts of kindness we have been blessed with.
Thank You Jesus, amen!