Oh Lord, our God, we praise You and magnify Your name. Merciful FATHER, we thank you for your eternal promise. Father, look upon us and hear my prayer, as we come to You asking You to shut any doors that need to be shut and open any doors that need to be open in the spiritual and natural realms.
Let there be a movement of Your Spirit across the globe, and especially for those who intercede for You people!
Revive us again You are worthy of all praise and glory. Thank You for reviving us. Speak Lord and we will hear. And when You speak, help us to be obedient to Your voice as we move fully armored in faith! Lord, we declare we will be Your watchmen here on earth receiving Your instructions and Your blessings. We declare we will faint not, but we will be vigilant violent warriors gathering in holy worship and study. We declare as we study Your word and apply it to our real life situations; we will learn and grow. And as we grow in Your word our faith walk will be sharpened.
Thank You Jesus for being our instructor, JEHOVAH ELOHIM (My Creator), JEHOVAH ADONAI (My Lord God), EL SHADDAI (My Supplier), JEHOVAH ADONAI (My Master), JEHOVAH JIREH ( My Provider), JEHOVAH ROPHE ( My Healer), JEHOVAH NISSI (My Banner), and JEHOVAH M’KADDESH (My Sanctifier)
You are our all in all! We bless Your Holy name!